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The Governing Body is made up of a combination of appointed, elected Governors representing different elements of the school and the local community which it serves.

Each Governor, other than the Headteacher, normally holds office for an agreed period. In addition, a Clerk to the Governors supports the work of the Governing Body by taking minutes, circulating agendas and documentation. 

Governors are responsible for providing:

  • Strong links between the school and community
  • A wider experience of the outside world
  • An independent view and common sense approach
  • A form of accountability for the Headteacher and staff
  • Support for the work of the school and its team.

Governors act as a corporate group for the best interest of the school and are responsible for policymaking and review on a number of aspects of school government. Hard copies of all school policies are available by request from the school office. 

Local Authority Governor :

Rachel Georgiades


Foundation Governors:

John Collins (Chair), Nick Barnett, Jane Burnett, Stephen Rogers (Vice Chair)


Parent Governors:

Kerry Dean, Harry Lingfield


Staff Governors:

Stella Couslon (Acting Headteacher) vacancy


Clerk to the Governors

Jane Phillips

If you need to contact the Governing Body, please send an email to - marked 'For the attention of the Chair of Governors'.


                Register of interests           
FGB Minutes